Finally Kenyans have an open discussion space where they can share ideas,crack jokes as well discuss and critique the current political drama. is a is a simplified blog-like site that allows visitors to quickly browse articles posted by others. The articles are presented in two lists, one for Most Recently Posted articles and another for the Most Read Articles.
To make it all easy, you don't need to register to start using tuwakenya, provided you a kenyan (actually we don't have a way to know if you really are Kenyan). But you must be authenticated by google before you can Post content on Tuwakenya(e.g by logging with your gmail account)
You dont have to login to read or comment on the contents of Tuwakenya.
Again, be among the first 100 to post content on Tuwakenya. Share your views about the Hague and the Ocampo 6, about the world bank grant to improve slums or even about your village and let Kenyans read and comment on it.